Amber Burn is the gathering where what happens is up to the community. Imagine immersing yourself in a bizarre world that offers the chance to step out of your everyday life. Hang loose, be what you always wanted to be, and let it ride. Why not try something new? Support or start a project you like with your wicked ideas, knowledge, and skills.

Without each of us, it would be impossible to make this happen. And while making it happen, we have a lot of fun and make new friends. Volunteering is possible at different stages. Starting with planning and preparation. Then build the city. During the gathering, we need everyone's help by volunteering at different places, and finally, we have to leave the event without a trace. Amber Burn happens because we all create it together.

Theme Camps

One of the ways to participate is to share your creativity with AB citizens: create art, installations, and art cars; bring a workshop or performance; play music; teach something; make and share food; and enlighten other participants with your experience and skills through the talks and discussions. This year’s theme is ARTINUS, any kind of activity or art is welcome and encouraged.

However, the heART of Amber Burn City are the Theme Camps. Gather your friends and create or join a Theme Camp! It’s way easier and more fun to live in a small community at a Theme Camp during the burn.

If if you want to camp by yourself or with a group of people, you can do so at Free Camping.

Many burners are coming to Amber Burn with the whole family, and if you decide to come with the kids, join the Kids Valley!

Contact us if you have questions regarding participation or anything else: hello@lithuaniaburners.com

Check out the links and deadlines for theme camp and other registrations.

Lituanica Birds Camp

Lituanica Birds make their cozy nest in the desert of Black Rock City every year. This year, we are coming to Amber Burn. We travel together to share, experience and immerse ourselves in the cosmic atmosphere of creative world.

With open hearts, we spread the energy of love, goodness, peace, safety, family and tolerance.

If you want to join this camp, please fill out the form.


Lituanica Birds Camp Amber Burn

Lituanica Birds Camp Amber Burn


Colors of Freedom

Step into the vibrant world of Colors of Freedom, where age is just a number and individuality reigns supreme. We embody the spirit of liberation, celebrating life and freedom to be unique. From seasoned burners to wide-eyed newcomers, our diverse family welcomes all who seek the beauty of self-expression and the joy of community.
In Colors of Freedom, you’ll encounter a tapestry of personalities, each as unique as the desert sunset. Here, freedom isn’t just a word—it’s a way of life. We cherish the liberty to be our true selves, to explore, and to create. Whether it’s through art installations, spontaneous performances, or heartfelt conversations under the starlit sky, our camp is a sanctuary for those who dare to dream differently.
At Colors of Freedom, we don’t just paint with colors—we embody them, weaving a masterpiece of freedom and unity.

Theme Camp Colors of Freedom is no longer accepting new members.


Colors of Freedom Theme Camp, Amber Burn

Colors of Freedom Theme Camp, Amber Burn 2023


In the mystical realm of Kukeri, where all religions converge, lies a place of profound wonder. Here, amidst ancient forests and misty hills, time loses its hold and the soul finds solace. Within its ethereal confines, one encounters the essence of their inner selves – the playful innocence of childhood and the wisdom of age. Kukeri is a sanctuary where the past, present, and future merge, revealing the interconnectedness of existence. Yet, it remains elusive, calling only to those destined to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transcendence.

We are planning to create a mostly chill zone with some magical rituals. It will be calm, mystical area with lights, hammocks and nets on the trees, decorations, sculptures with workshops and musical experiences like sound therapy, jams.

This camp is no longer accepting new members.

Kukeri Amber Burn 2024

Kukeri Amber Burn 2024

Bang Bang

Y’all know that everything starts with a Bang Bang, right?

Do you like music, massages, drinks, psymed, popcorn, and sofas? Then you gotta join Bang Bang, baby! There’s already all you want: techno, trance, and electronica, but do you also enjoy other types of music? Would you like to hear some R&B? Rock? Rap? Etc.? Come and get it! We’re all DJs at Bang Bang.

Pleasure and bliss await as we pamper and delight you. Your boundaries will be respected, your feedback/adjustments encouraged, and your wishes fulfilled. We’ll ruffle your feathers until you feel yourself Free in the Cosmos. What’s not to like? We’re all masseurs and masseuses at Bang Bang.

Have you ever shouted or heard, SHOTS! SHOTS!! SHOTS!!!? And then whatever follows is exciting and unexpected? Join us for pop-up shots and popcorn. We’re all bartenders at Bang Bang.

For everyone who relaxed, opened up, grew, loved, and laughed during the meditation last year and the year before, join us again to get your mind into FARTINTUS.

This is going to be an Amber Blurn experience that’ll blow you away.

If you want to learn more or join this camp, please check here.

Bang Bang Theme Camp, Amber Burn

Bang Bang Theme Camp, Amber Burn 2023



A friendly bunch of guys who love tea and cocoa ceremonies. Tea3Bar is going to organize a place where people can relax and unwind after intense fun, dancing or even sports. The camp will share knowledge about tea and also create a comfortable environment for warm socializing.


If you want to join this camp, please contact Mark, mark.franc333@gmail.com


Tea2Bar AB23 , photo by Gytis

Tea2Bar AB23 , photo by Gytis


PARAKAS is a place that unites all kinds of people who like rave music, culture, art, crazy stuff that has no explanation, and, in general, to have a good time. Deep talks or chaotic dances—it all can be found here. Everyone is a friend or family member at PARAKAS.

New members are welcome to join this camp until June 12th. Contact Agnė on Facebook or by phone at +37065337849.

PARAKAS Theme Camp Amber Burn 2024

PARAKAS Theme Camp Amber Burn 2024

Ways to participate Rangers


Are you calm and patient when things get iffy? Sharp and clear-headed when everyone else is partying? Hats off to you; this is where you bring your cool.

Info Point

Come to the Info Point and help everyone by answering questions and creating solutions!


Is there a doctor on this artist's heaven? Fresh on the first aid course? Standby if there’s an emergency.

Leave No Trace Team

Call out to all earth lovers and enthusiasts. Help minimize waste and increase sustainability!

Gates Team

There is no better way to welcome people than to check them in. You’ll be making sure that only registered humans are crossing the entrance.

Greeters Team

Be the friendly face every burner sees first! Great way to meet a lot of people! Hugs and kisses are not to be spared!

FAST Fire Art Safety Team

Yes, we will burn things! But we like to keep it safe. Join to make sure no one gets hurt.

Music and Performances

Step into the groove! The crowd loves you! Singers, Dancers, DJs, or entertainers of any kind are spicing up the celebrations. Don’t hold back!


Clean up Amber Burn City after the gathering.

Art Installations

Express Yourself. Bring an idea into being. The sky's the limit; this is the place where you can see your own unique concept come to life.


Gift your knowledge or talents! Amber Burn brings together people hungry to try and learn new things!

Parking lot masters

If you consider yourself to be an orderly quick-thinker and enjoy giving directions with the occasional mocking and shouting, playing Tetris with cars, consider joining the team of parking lot masters.


Helping people find where to camp and meet a lot of new people who just entered the AB city!


A place to relax, refresh, and zen out from the hustle and bustle of AB City. Sober chill/lounge/horizontal zone.


Plan and keep order within the city infrastructure before and during the event, from fuel for generators to drinking water.


Help all departments bring everything that will be needed to create our magical Amber Burn City to the event location and back to the warehouse afterward.

Build and Tools

Build the Amber Burn City, Corner Camp, and Community spaces.

Other ways

You can contribute in so many other ways! Be creative and join!